With more than 10 years of experience in the field of steel structures, analysis and design of sismic resistant structures Decimal Engineering offers safe, feasible and economic solutions, according to the levels of danger to which the work will be exposed on the site.

We see Engineering as the art of endowing a work, guaranteeing functionality as its reason for being, of a structure that is resistant, sufficiently rigid, stable, durable and also economical. The success of a work is not the achievement of the optimal solution of any of the specialties that intervene separately, but the achievement of a good solution of each of them, and that are integrated and harmonized in a consistent manner in the final result.

The success of this effort is guaranteed by an adequate administration and coordination of the project from its initial conception. Edward Wilson said: if you have 5 minutes to solve a problem in which life goes, we must use 3 to adequately visualize and understand the problem and collect the possible information and the remaining 2 to materialize the solution. Decimal has been affiliated with this philosophy and way of seeing the development of a project from its initial conception until its implementation, dedicating all its effort and talent to this endeavor.